First, this scam company will contact you by phone, and if you’re not careful it could end with you losing thousands of dollars. The Better Business Bureau says this scam is running rampant in the Memphis area. These people are following the headlines, the headlines are full with people losing their jobs, foreclosures, credit problems. The company looks legit. The website looks very professional and on it’s brochure it claims to be in good standing with the Better Business Bureau.
Often the company will not identify itself on the phone. They are asking for your credit card information and they’re asking for up to a thousand dollars upfront just to renegotiate a lower interest rate. Bottom line, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. So, the best thing you can do is contact your lender directly if you’d like to lower your interest rate. People are going to be desperate, and fall for this, making their financial situation worse. Perhaps exposing themselves to identity theft if they give out their credit card.
Best Regards,
Admin Business Review